Monday, October 22, 2012

And why am I surprised?

It is a constant amazement to me just how remarkable God is.  Just when you think you know what you're doing, he has a way of giving you a new perspective that reminds you of how omniscient (all knowing) the Lord truly is.  Sure it may seem like an obvious statement but how often do we stumble through life waiting for God to pick up our pieces just to forget how we were held in his almighty hand the moment life smoothed out.  My current goal is to never forget what a stronghold in my life my God is.

I am currently blessed to have embarked on a new adventure in my life as the music leader at Chain of Lakes Presbyterian Church.  It has only been a month and I am still so excited and honored to have the opportunity to plan, lead, and participate in worship with this growing congregation.  They are beautiful people and I want them to grow in the knowledge of the love and mercy of our holy God.  I'll admit that by now I thought maybe the "oh no...what am I doing?" thought process would kick in.  Alas, it has not and this is a sign for me that the initial excitement I felt for this opportunity was from God and not human desires.

This is a decision and new direction for me that without God's direction I would never have been prepared for.  The past year or so of my life has served as a grounds for preparation in multiple ways that I will eventually write about.  But I can leave you with this.  Listen to God's voice.  The small one inside that sometimes makes you think you're a bit crazy, the one that becomes more distinct when you ask others to pray for wisdom, the one that continues to echo in your mind when you are trying to distinguish it between your own and the Lord's.  It will not always lead you on a path that you have mapped out.  It will lead you on the path where God's hand is the only one you can hold on to.

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