Saturday, May 17, 2014

Let someone know they are a Big Mario

I had a birthday this week.  Celebrating birthdays is a beautiful thing and I have no problem celebrating the upward progression of the lives of my family and friends.  In fact, I quite enjoy it.  This year I came to a realization...that amidst the hoopla that may or may not come on one's birthday, I'd rather just know that someone genuinely cares or has taken a minute to think about me.  It may sound selfish or even a bit egocentric, but one must admit, I'm assuming everyone has thought this at one point in life whether it is a birthday or just plain ol' Hump Day! (insert camel here).  
It comes in various forms: the ridiculously long text message that should have been an e-mail, the phone-call from someone you may not have expected, the "Happy Birthday" before your birthday appears on Facebook, and even Face-Time with people you love.  My heart swells when those I care about, care about me.  It is akin to the moment when Little Mario jumps on a magical mushroom and is Big Mario until reality strikes and he runs into rather than on top of the danger disguised as a squishy blob with feet.  
My conclusion to this little bit of revelation in my mind?  Take the time to think about someone else...and let them know you did.  We all deserve to swell into Big Mario on occasion.