Sunday, May 19, 2013

Feeling Humbled

Today I met with a group of amazing people.  It consisted of a handful of our church leaders, the team that is supporting us from the presbytery as the church grows and develops, and our very own friends group.  I had never met with all these people in one room before.  I hadn't met some of them prior to this afternoon.  In fact, I didn't even realize how many people outside our congregation have been involved in getting us started. Simply put, it is beautiful. There are so many moving pieces, ideas, prayers, and hands pushing forward God's Kingdom.  And guess what....I get to be a part of it!

What has humbled me most is that while I plug away, pray, and try to figure out what my next steps are as a music ministry leader, there is a group of people that believe in me, and seem to have no doubt that I am in the right place and headed in the right direction.  A blatant expression of appreciation took me aback as this past week I struggled with my own insecurity of feeling inadequate in my position.  

I am once again reminded that pursuing life on God's terms and not my own will supercede the traps that Satan plays with.  My music, ministry, and life are part of something much bigger than myself.  I am a part of the church.  The local church, and the universal church.  While that thought is part of what is daunting and causes me to cross-check my ministry at all turns, it is also the thought that gives me encouragement.  To be a part of something so much larger than myself is beautiful; and it is comforting.