Monday, June 18, 2012

Mr. Perfect

Any of my friends who have had worship pastor discussions with me know that I may be becoming a bit more cynical than I used to be in regards to what churches call worship pastors/ministers/leaders etc...  Today I came across a posting that made me laugh.  I'm not laughing at the church because I sincerely believe that they are trying to find the right man for the pastoral position they are seeking.  Instead it is directed towards what our contemporary christian culture has done to the position we call pastor and what it has impressed as the necessary qualifications to lead God's people into worship through music.  

Here at (insert contemporary church name here) we have an extremely friendly and generous congregation of 450. We have several well trained and talented vocalists and instrumentalists that comprise full rhythm sections and an underused brass section. What we need is a center piece Kennaniah type Worship Pastor that we can build around. Please see description below;

Male, Vocalist (Baritone – Tenor) Pianist and or Guitarist 
Married (ideal) Single is ok. We’ve got women here. 
Good leadership, people and music skills (Clifton Strength Finders)
Calm and Confident but not Cocky
Experienced but Teachable 
Musically skillful and sensitive to The Spirit but not flaky or hyper spiritual.
Passionate, pragmatic and practical in life and ministry
Maturity beyond their years if in early to mid 20’s. 
A presence that captures the room that others would miss if it wasn’t there
Able to see the whole picture and inspire all ages, because everyone matters
Able to blend the vertical with the horizontal and older with contemporary
Able to target the 30-60 something age range(teens and twenties are important too but are transient) 
Able to lead worship unplugged by yourself without power point or electricity 
Able to organize, schedule and lead others while working within the Lead Pastor’s direction and desires
Able to model and mentor music ministry and develop others in that too
Able to remember that we have an audience of one in room of 500 
Able to get others to realize that too
Believes faith and funk and holiness and harmony goes together
Is far sighted, thick skinned and has soft hands (if you have those you’ll understand what I mean)
Has a good sense of humor (absolutely necessary to work here)

It makes me want to send them a Ken Doll with a modern male worship leaders name plastered across the front of the package with a note saying "I'm sorry if my hands aren't soft enough".    Either that or send them my resume so I can be one of the available women he can pick from to marry if he happens to be single.