Saturday, February 26, 2011

What happened to Hannah's song?

I used to cling to a scripture that said so much for me.  1 Samuel Chapter 2.  Summed up succinctly, "My heart rejoices in the Lord".  I shouldn't say that I don't agree with it and who can oppose the joy of a woman who was the brunt of ridicule, had faith in God for a son, and then proceeded to give him back to the Lord.  Not a small task by any means.  However, the more I learn, the more leaning on simple answers has become problematic for me.  Hannah probably didn't write that song.  She may have used it but it wasn't a song created from her heart.  It was most likely out of a Psalter (hymnal) and was one that she used to proclaim her joy.
I think about this and while I was initially dismayed at the fact that those may not be her exact words flowing from her heart, they were still words that she used.  She would have known them, maybe meditated on them, and been able to use them in a time such as she had.  Maybe someday I will be able to pull out scripture like that.  Have it memorized or so well patterned in my brain that those words would become mine.  Some day.